Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lanarch Castle

Hujan pagi di Dunedin...on 1st raya..
Hari ni nak pegi istana..
The only castle yg ada di New zealand now ni..takdelah jauh sgt dr Dunedin City..

pemandangan semasa perjalanan ke Lanarch Castle..cantik!

me at Lanarch castle..

Garden infront of Lanarch Castle

Lanarch Castle..the only Castle in New Zealand...

Oh...sedih..we cant take photo in the Castle..it was a guided tour..the tour guide explain the history of the Castle..the castkle was built between 1873 to 1887..
nak tau lebih lanjut boleh baca di sini wikipedia ..
hehhee..aku dah lupalah.. the tour guide took us to the rooms..dining area...etc..
kdg tuh rasa kelakar jugak..ala..cerita org dulu-dulu...
but so sad lah...no photo taking...andd..(actually aku ada teramik gambarr at the beginning before he said kenot take photo)..tapi tak berani lah nak letak sini..
so kami naik sampai atas sekali..di mana pemandangan amattlah cantik...wow...

Pandangan dari atas Lanarch Castle..sgt cantik pemandangan dr atas ni..

me ....at garden

Saya meminta maaf kerana tak sempat nak jawab komen etc,,now busy with work etc... some of the entry auto publish..if berkesempatan, saya akan moderate dan jwb comment..anyway..thanks for visiting blog saya yg tidak seberapa ini.
Terima kasih.

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