Sunday, March 9, 2008

9th March 2008

I still want to talk about the election results..actually i dont want to talk about t as i made an entry about it, but wut i saw today made me still want to write about the hot topic.

1. I went to bank, i heard people discussing the election results.
2.I passed by tol bangi, headed toNorth, i saw a group of people, stopped their car after the tol, with news paper in their hand discussing about the election results. (takkan diskas benda lain kan coz nampak muka surat khabar yg derang baca tu mengenai keputusan pilihanraya. Pas tu diskas beriya-iya, tangan siap naik-naik sekali tuh, tgk gaya mcm nak pi kenduri kawin kot.
3. During checking-in at the hotel, the hotel staff also talking about the same topic, even one of the staff said, " SPR tu", pointing to a lady walking to the lift at the hotel's lobby, and everyone stared at the lady as the lady is Miss World in pink bikini..
4.I went to nasi kandar restaurant people talking about the topic...
see...everybody is talking about it...kan..including me...!
5. I saw Datuk Rahim Razali (the actor), concentrate reading news paper at R&R where i had my late lunch. Berkerut2 muka dok baca paper..hehhehh.i snapped his photo for my fren who is a big fan of him..( ha...mak jadi paparazi...kelezzz..)
And i travelled from selangor to Penang..which all the states from s'ngor to penang now in the opposition hand. Entah..macam rasa lain..when i passed by Sg Siput exit, suddenly it's remind me to Samy Vellu..(I watch national TV while writing this entry, Samy Vellu said he will remain as MIC president...hermmm...herm...tak faham-faham, hey!don't u get the message sir?)
Funny isn't it??hihohiho..

So here i penang. Hujan sepanjang jln dari perak ke penang.kdg heavy kdg tak.Seriau gak..Alhamdulilah sampai dgn selamat. I rest in my room while blogging and checking update news tru internet(wireless internet kat hotel ni mula-mula agak slow..tapi lama2 ok sket). Now news on the net is much-much faster than TV, especially national TV.view from the window..laut membiru
i was damn hungry...Hoo..its late already. I tot i want to go to gurney plaza and merayap at gurney drive have rojak or famous char kue teow..tapi hujan..kuar dari hotel, i wanted to go to my favourite nasi kandar place. Tiba-tiba hujan lebat yg amattttt...and i ran to near by taxi stand. tapi still basah..aku kesejukan, jeans aku dah basah, baju basah and aku nampak restoen nasi kandar kat seberang jln. Camana ni..lapar..aku dah gigil2 dah..sejuk,lapar dan basah. How ek...nak lari seberang jln ke??..ehm..kena hujan tak mati kot...kalau aku stay kat taxi stand tu tah2 aku pengsan kelaparannnn... so, 1-2-3 ..lariiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....dlm hujan lebat gila..catz lari terus masuk ke restoren tu..sumer org dlm restoren tgk aku..tapi aku wat derk je..tudung dah lecun basah gila..sejukkkk!!!
so i ordered this:

Sup ayam served with roti dan teh o

Dgn baju basah, tak selesa nak makan. Sup tu pun style penang lah..sup mamak, very oily. Rasa sedap le kot coz many frens recommend me t0 try the soup at this restoren. Tapi catz makan sket je..makan ayam dan roti. Sup tu tak habis pun, hirup sket2 je. Tak kenyang pun. Then catz tapaw-ed nasi kandar (hahahha)...then went to convinient store, bought snack, drinks as i just want to stay at my room, not going anywhere. So i need enough food..kehehhehe... I don't want to miss the news update on TV. Of course about the election. Penat dan mengantuk lagipun...i need to re-store my energy, thats y i need rest and enough food..hahahha


Najib Ariyan Ali Basha said...

Cat... tulisan tu kecik benor cat... tak larat ha aku nak membacanya... yg aritu kan ker dah molek... nape tuko?? ada peminat soh tuko ker??

CATZ said...

mana ada peminat...sapalah nak beriya baca blog aku ni..cerita biasa ala2 makcik jek..
ok..nanti aku besarkan tulisan, aku pun penat gak baca kecik-kecik ni..
thanks for ur comment..
ops..selamat kembali ke tanah air ya..ole2nya mana??