Friday, March 28, 2008

No this and that..azabbzss

Doc: u cant eat oily/fat food, sugar, salt, cafein..
catz: so??
Doc: ikan rebus-rebus, bakar-bakar,stim-stim
catz: ho? fish only?
catz: so i'll be transform into the real cat miow-miow?
Doc: hem..i pun mkn i look like kucing?
Catz: ada..skett..tang misai..huwak-huwak...
Doc: sakit jantung aku ada patient mcm ni..syoh-syoh..!

today the doc monitor my BP level which was damn high he check my cholesterol level (HIGH!!!!!) and sugar level (also HIGH!!)..
wah..i should start (betoi2 punya) healthy diet, healthy life wut i consume into the body for every single hour. hemmm
so from now on..strictly no more lunch sedap-sedap, no more goreng-goreng, no more drink after swimming..heeeeayohh....
and the doc also duk jegil-jegil mata kat aku lah....veryyy takottt..
eh..aku dah start apa?..hari ni kan i have to stay at clinic and bawak bekal/lunch box aku...woo...kannn..kan...ikan singgang dgn nasi mlm tadi (heheh)..

malam ni kan..the doc itu telah spoiled my diet..
he bought this for me..

mee goreng mamak yg aku suka tuuu...hancussssss.....and bleh ek dia makan dgn selera which is akuplak agak serba salah nak makan..tapiii...preee..makan je lah...hiks..

catz: ayoo..cholesterol..cholesterol..
doc: takdelah...sikit je..
catz: pedas...oily.
doc: abih?..nak makan apa>
catz: piza..nak order piza..
doc: strictly no pizza..remember u left the pizza in my fridge?? sampai cendawan tumbuh?
catz: yg tu eksperimen..saja nak tgk jenis cendawan apa yg tumbuh..
doc: yer lah tu...strictly NO PIZZA
catz: erk.....
pasrahhh..ngap je lahh


Unknown said...

eh muda lagi dah semuanya tinggi tu catz...betul ke ni?

so mmg kena control le makan tu...

catz dok kat bdr rinching ke?

CATZ said...

yer insaf sgt...sodih...
catz now tgh berusahalah uncle..
taklah..i tak duk rinching...i duk daerah lain..tapi kdg2 catz duk bangi dekat2 kajang..ada rumah kat bangi/BBB

Anonymous said...

mmg nmpk sedap mee goreng mamak tu... diet or yg sewaktu dgnnya can be put aside temporarily... hehhee...

CATZ said...

heheh..this mee goreng mamak at the moment can kill me lah purp.
so i just ate few spoonful...:(