Lunch tadi catz keluar dgn Cik she now bercuti so she has ample time lah to visit LHDN dan menelepon ku mengajak ku lunch...(errr....LHDN....errrr..errrr...errrr)...pempaham lerr...hari last 30 april..peringatan utk diriku juga)
So we had lunch at komplek pkns...Restoren cempaka Rimba...and she brief me about the menu of her and her son besday party on Sunday...hemm...ok le tuh..yg ak oknya she wanted to tempah few menu dgn aku..emm....but i can't make it since from today late evening till sunday i'll spend my weekend at my another house...which is veryyyy far from cik kuntum's house, sorry cik Kuntum.maybe next time...and i'll teach her verbally how to make food yg dia nak tempah kat aku tuh..easy peasy but tah le dia ingat ke dok.. and she said " takpe lah.i will tempah dgn org lain"..aiyoo...cik kuntum i hope u'll not wasting ur money for that simple menu Ok....kalau tempah dgn catz catz tak charge je...utk kawan-kawan..sesekali kan..
So we ordered ayam gajus, kailan goreng, lala goreng pedas, telur dadar, sup and plain rice..
we chit chat and gossiped tetapi tidak mengumpat..hihiihihi..i used to like this place coz we can choose to makan bersila / bersimpuh atas dia ok lah..and this place always packed...cik kuntum insist to order "tauge goreng biasa"..and i said " eh...ko susah2 dtg jauh2 nak order sayur toge goreng which cost u RM4.80?..kalau ko masak toge tu kat rumah RM4.80 bleh makan sebulan toge tuhh". so she changed her mind...ahhahahah..(aku dah pernah mkn sayur toge kat sini ..biasaaaa je rasanya...sedap lagi mak kita masak)...
so after lunch, i was thinking to get besday present for cik kuntum and her son..tah le aku buntu nak beli apa...korang...utk budak umur 3 tahun (lelaki) apa nak beli?? i have no idea at all.i asked to my few said " ko beli kereta mainan yg dia boleh drive duk dlm tu or beli basikal" and another one said beli bola..and another one said "beli kereta yg boleh di tukar or di ubah2 jadik robot..."..errrr..kat mana nak beli tuh??? mahal ke (hehhe).. tah le buntu lah..and time catz duk terpikir nak beli something yg duk melintas kat otak ni, cik Kuntum nak ikut aku..alaaaa...i said.." eh..i nak pi kedai bukulah"..and she said.." haaa..i ponnn nak pegii"..iskk.iskk..dah dia duk mengekor aku camna aku kan...pi le kat rak CD utk bebudak tadika..and ask her..." eh...cik utk budak umur 3/4 tahun seswai dok? aku nak beli utk anak sedara aku." and she saidd.."ehhh ok..good utk budak2 ni..seswai.."..err..korang rasa kan dia boleh agak tak yg aku nak beli CD tuh utk anak dia?..(anak sedara aku dah darjah apa ke jadahnya nak tgk CD nyanyi2 budak tadika umur 3 taun..)
aku tgk dia duk belek-belekand dia mcm suka..cik Kuntum ni sgt skema orgnya...dia lebih suka menda2 yg ada unsur2 educational lah utk bebudak and cik kuntum sgt suka aku plan nak bagi dia buku lah..and aku dah pilih beberapa colouring book..buku belajar tulis jawi (Ya ammpunnn... skema nya hadiahh.) , crayon etc utk anak cik kuntum..
and tetiba mata aku kan tercaptured rak-rak buku resepi..
Sejak bila selangor ni ada masakan/ signature dish nih?? dah 6 tahun lebih ku bermastautin di selangor ni..tak pernah dengor aku yg tak tau? catz belek2..oh..masakan biasa je yg bleh dpt dr negeri lain cthnya, patin masak tempoyak tak yah lah beliii....
hem...u ols jgn ingat catz nak tgk ultromen ni yer.zaman tgk ultromen ni dah berlalu lama (haaa..tua sgt le aku ni..) utk aiman tak kisah tuuu....dia lagii suka...
tetiba duk ronda2 dlm kedai tuh..cik kuntum ckp...
"ehhhh...Cd oltromen..u know my son sgtttt suka tgk Oltromen" and dia siap buat2 gaya oltromen anak dia..memfire-fire giteww..
so now saya sdg tersenyum seorg diri membelek buku resepi utk saya...hihihihi....
p/s: u ols ada idea tak tentang hadiah utk besday boy umur 3 taun..idea plisss..
dear catz,
give him a pair of sport shoes and animated electronic dictionary...
and my best birthday wish...
from catzcafe number one fan...
oh..thanks for the suggestions..
i will think about it...
thanks ya..
have a nice day..
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