2. Rasa takde mood to work, feel want to go home and baking cake, muffin or something..
3. Rasa teringin sangat nak makan meat ball mcm kat IKEA -Swedish meatball( i found the recipe at recipebazar) and cant wait to make it on this coming weekend.

4. Semalam balik kerja, catz went to kedai pinggan mangkuk....and found nice bowl etc, rasa nak beli semua which is impossible...dpt tgk pun puas hati (crazyyy)..
5. Last week, i went to "Kedai nasi Sempoi" for 1st time..the set of Nasi sempoi is RM5.00 plus segelas air sirap PERCUMA/FREE. I ate one set Nasi sempoi (nasi+ayam seketul+popodum+salad+sambal 2 jenis +sup kosong), cost me RM5.00. My fren ate seketul ayam saja (she diet) and get 1 free sirap, but she has to pay RM4.00 (seketul ayam RM4.00)..???? expensive for ayam yg saiznya sgt cinonet.. and we asked.." why RM4? she only ate seketul ayam yg saiznya sgt kecil..?" he said " "kita kena kira satu set" so why RM4.00 and not RM 5.00 instead kalau kata satu set? nampak sgt nak mengetuk..tobatt..takmo dah pi makan kat peniaga yg tak ikhlas nih....aku rasa she patut bayar RM2.50 je...(sepanjang jln ke opis kami duk mengutuk2 kedai tersebut..hihihiih)
6. Rasa nak balik rumah sekarang..nak masak meat ball di No.3..buleh??
7. Last nigh, i watched TV program, talkshow. tetamu jemputan was a lady, she own a culinary academy in KL. She used to be a teacher for more than 20 years. She loves cooking. She determined ke London utk belajar buat kek...and she become a famous chef, own culinary academy, she's malay, successful and she travel round the globe to promote Malaysian cuisine especially Nasi Lemak and Rendang. I wish i can be like her...errrrr.when is my turning point ehh?? Since now kat ofis pun aku selalu sgt berangan to be a chef...own cafe or work in hotel's kitchen etc..
And that lady encourage people to involve in food bisnes or go to culinary school, work as chef as the income rate now is 18-25k/month (executive chef)...erk..aagain..when is my turning point?? am i too late??
7. I've been wearing my contact lense for two days..and suddenly someone said "..eehhhhh..u pakai contact lense..nampak muda...".(perasan kejap)..ehh.so selama ni am i look too old with my glasses???
8. Sekarang rasa nak makan meatball No.3.
9. err..sapa tau kat mana nak beli asam boi?..err..rupa asam boi tuh camana ek?? i need it for my cooking (jgn ingat aku mengidam asam pulak yer..).
Catz... kalau ko nak carik asam boi tu bagusnya kat kedai runcit cina... kat kedai melayu jarang ada. kat pasaraya pun jarang ada... jadi ko tanya dia... rupa dia bulat warna coklat gelap... masa nak masak ko kena pecahkan sikit... biasanya aku wat ikan stim pakai tu... kalau ko nak buat ikan stim kena letak kat lantai pinggan yer jangan kat atas.. nanti masam dia tak keluar
perfect recepie catz.. sama macam jawa jawa lain jugak...
penak banget lhoooo...!!! Wes arok mangan ojo kelalin karo aku...
er..thanks beruang..
errr..asam boi tuh kering ke basah ek mcm asam kecut tuh??
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