Yeha..yehaaa..!!! horayy!!...
I'm spending my weekend at my apt..anddddd..last night i made this cake for my friend's daughter who celebrates her birthday yesterday..the little cute Damia. The mom (Sha) is my best friend. And her 1st doter loves chocolate cake as well (bathrishia)..just like the mother..hiks..
So malam tadi dgn gigihnya sambil study, mengadap buku i made
chocolate cake..kek coklat kukus....
prepare adunan dlm 30 minit dan kukus satu jam..sesambil tuh study (tgk TV sebenarnya...heksheks,,)
and today, very early morning after breakfast, i put the topping etc...huawaaaa..
sgt disaster lah rupa dapur aku..erkkk...and sgt kelam kabut till i forget to put butter and milk into the coklat topping.and end up topping cake tuh tak berkilat..and hodoh..hekss...
Dan kepingan coklat hitam dan putih yg catz buat tuh pun agak hodoh juga..tapi rasa sedap taww (sambil hias cake sambil plup-plup-plup masuk mulut)..
tak kisah lah..kan..catz pun bukan biasa buat benda-benda ni..saja cuba-cuba...(entah kenapa kan..lately aku suka sgt beli brg2 berkait dgn baking2 nih..macam semalam..actually pi kedai bakery utk beli kotak cake, scrapper, dan cooking coklat..end up i bought another measuring cup (cute one), another muffin cup (cute-cute juga..)..andddd..laci dapur u dah penuh dgn segala muffin cup..euwww...mengada-ngada kan...tah bila nak guna..dan sebelum tah macam-macam lagi catz beli (yg tak perlu), baik le cepat2 keluar dari kedai itu..
And here i am ..di office..actually i want to deliver the cake to my friends..but need to pick up something from office) dtg ofis and asked my fren to come here and pick up her cake... auntie bagi taw..special for ur berapa ek..setahun ke 2 tahun?? lupa makcik ni..dah tua lah katakan... (umur je taw tua..hati i muda..hikhiks..)
So malam tadi dgn gigihnya sambil study, mengadap buku i made
prepare adunan dlm 30 minit dan kukus satu jam..sesambil tuh study (tgk TV sebenarnya...heksheks,,)
and today, very early morning after breakfast, i put the topping etc...huawaaaa..
sgt disaster lah rupa dapur aku..erkkk...and sgt kelam kabut till i forget to put butter and milk into the coklat topping.and end up topping cake tuh tak berkilat..and hodoh..hekss...
Dan kepingan coklat hitam dan putih yg catz buat tuh pun agak hodoh juga..tapi rasa sedap taww (sambil hias cake sambil plup-plup-plup masuk mulut)..
tak kisah lah..kan..catz pun bukan biasa buat benda-benda ni..saja cuba-cuba...(entah kenapa kan..lately aku suka sgt beli brg2 berkait dgn baking2 nih..macam semalam..actually pi kedai bakery utk beli kotak cake, scrapper, dan cooking coklat..end up i bought another measuring cup (cute one), another muffin cup (cute-cute juga..)..andddd..laci dapur u dah penuh dgn segala muffin cup..euwww...mengada-ngada kan...tah bila nak guna..dan sebelum tah macam-macam lagi catz beli (yg tak perlu), baik le cepat2 keluar dari kedai itu..
And here i am ..di office..actually i want to deliver the cake to my friends..but need to pick up something from office) dtg ofis and asked my fren to come here and pick up her cake... auntie bagi taw..special for ur berapa ek..setahun ke 2 tahun?? lupa makcik ni..dah tua lah katakan... (umur je taw tua..hati i muda..hikhiks..)
this one is for my guest..chocolate cake for a beautiful day..
That cup cake tu is for me ke? Hehehe..
ye..and for my blog speacial readers..
anddd dah masuk perut ko pun kan saira..hekhekss..
hi catz... sori ler Nosha baru jerk baca blog u ni. bz nau. taw taw ler kan kita sesama kene gi interview... anyway thanks for the lovely cake. damia suka sangat n excited. actually yang terlebih excited kakaknye, humayraa... hari2 mintak kek sampai nosha kena sorok kek u tu...
malam tadi humayraa mintak lagi kek n my hubby tanye dia, aik humayraa sedap sgt ke kek aunty catz? hmm takpe esok gi tepon aunty catz mintak lagi sebiji kek. heheeee said my hubby...
hehhhe..just ask..i can make for humayra..and the mother as well...hehhehe
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