Hari sabtu yg sgt best..
Ha...catz makan steamboat with saira at Johnny's Alamanda..yeeey..
Di Johnny's actually selain steamboat banyak lagi food selection. My comment?..sgt sedap..
berpeluh makan steamboat lah...tapi setapp sgt...ha..Saira u'll miss this moment when u are in the US this Ogos...of courselah ko boleh makan dgn org lain, tapi tak sama makan dgn aku okey..hikhikhik..so we had steamboat set for 2..consists of vege, seafoods, fishballs, meat balls..bihun, mushrooms, eggs, etc..hem..kenyang gila makan 2 org. Dipping sauce nya sgt sedap..
berpeluh makan steamboat lah...tapi setapp sgt...ha..Saira u'll miss this moment when u are in the US this Ogos...of courselah ko boleh makan dgn org lain, tapi tak sama makan dgn aku okey..hikhikhik..so we had steamboat set for 2..consists of vege, seafoods, fishballs, meat balls..bihun, mushrooms, eggs, etc..hem..kenyang gila makan 2 org. Dipping sauce nya sgt sedap..
Overall..the food, drinks, the service, ambiance best..ok sgt...
Tahniah atas steamboat yg sedap itu dan tahniah jugak atas kemenangan David Cook... hahahahaha aku suka aku suka
hehhe..saira mesti suka ko sokong david cook..hehhehe...fanatik gitewww..
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