Someone was craving for laksa on Sunday. Mana nak pegi yer kat Bdr Baru Bangi ni? So i suggest to Kopi Cat. This is my second time here. (aku suka sebab cafe ni ada unsur Cat-Cat jugak le kot..heheheh)
Hem..i like the deco and ambiance here. The food selection?..em.from western, asian, selection of appetizers, drinks and desert. ..aku suka. Maybe next time akan banyak lagi menu baru..hopefully. Tapi favourite malay food mcm nasi lemak, laksa, nasi ayam semua tu dah ada.
Kalua nak makn ringan mcm burger, sandwich pun ada..

The cafe located at Fasa 3 Tambahan Bdr Baru Bangi (near the Petronas gas station).
I think they had improved a lot compared to my 1st visit few months back. Oh ya.. Cat Farish was here ,but we didnt say hi pon..hhehehe ..kami ni pemalu gitu. Harap lain kali Cat Farish boleh bertegur sapa dgn pelanggan dia..or maybe dia pun pemalu jugak le kot...Hehehhe.
The food was great, sesuai dgn harga. Hem...bagus jugalah kan ada artis mcm Cat ni, yg berwawasan, beringat utk masa depan dgn buat bisnes cafe selain dgn menyanyi dan compose lagu.
Good luck Cat!
I think they had improved a lot compared to my 1st visit few months back. Oh ya.. Cat Farish was here ,but we didnt say hi pon..hhehehe ..kami ni pemalu gitu. Harap lain kali Cat Farish boleh bertegur sapa dgn pelanggan dia..or maybe dia pun pemalu jugak le kot...Hehehhe.
The food was great, sesuai dgn harga. Hem...bagus jugalah kan ada artis mcm Cat ni, yg berwawasan, beringat utk masa depan dgn buat bisnes cafe selain dgn menyanyi dan compose lagu.
Good luck Cat!
ooooo inilah restoran cat farish tu yer??? quite comfortable ye... mmm mesti berkunjung satu hari nanti
hi doc syuk,
ye.inilah restoran tersebut...
oklah....nampak cozy, food pun ok juga.
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