Friday, July 11, 2008

Brokoli with tauhu

Brokoli with tauhu

I love brokoli and i am not afraid if my skin turned green. Hiks.
So last night, after hardwork (yeyee..i pi jogging oke...rasa sgt hebat..hikhikhik) i cooked simple meal. Oh..i was damn hungry but i dont want to spoil my hard work itu (tah berapa kalori burnt kan..).
Coz one day earlier i was lecture my friend who got intention to diet and have healthy meal but still iya-iya eating oily food. I said, reduce it slowly and the best at night, no more chicken chop ko more rice. Eat Brokoli! And she asked me, how i eat the brokoli...makan cengituh je, or cook with something.. ( i bukan arnab i masak dulu..baru makan)
So here we go..(she read my blog)..


tauhu - 2 keping
bawang putih -2 ulas
satu sudu sos tiram
olive oil.


Celur brokoli sebentar, angkat, tos.
Tauhu di potong dadu
Tumbuk bawang putih kasar
Tumis bwg putih dgn olive oil, hingga naik bau.
Masuka sos tiram dan sedikit air.
masukkan tahu, kacau sebentar dan kemudian brokoli.
Kacau rata, biar 2 minit.
Angkat. Hidang...


SYUKS said...

i love and forever...sedap dan menyihatkan

CATZ said...

hi doc syukur,
bagilah resepi u mkn brokoli tuh camana?..rebus je ke?.. bak le resepi sihat u tu..