Tengahari..i went to Kajang. Went to TM Point., to get fix telephone line for my apartment.Di layani oleh kakitangan yg sungguh berhemah dan masa menunggu yg sekejap saja. But..huarghhh...the TM line at my apt area is not available at teh moment..TM have some problem with the cables etc..so they do not know how long it will take to solve the problem.the staff said it maybe take more than 2 months...elehhh....and they mentioned that so many people living at the same apt with me apply the telephone line as well.So i have to wait.grrrr.. So the conclusion is sebulan dua nih (tah2 berbulan2), it is impossible to have internet at my apt..bosannya.Grrr..dah le fenat2 ke Kajang ni kan..tau le Kajang ni teramat le sesaknya. Kalau takde urusan penting takde terhengennya aku nak ke Kajang ni. Sib baik senang dpt parking and very near to the Kedai TM. So kira ala sia-sia jek pi Kajang ni...then I had my lunch at Shakeys.
This was what i had:
Fish and chips
Chicken soup
Ice Cream
Saira, i wish u can join me lunch, but what to do, you are sooo busy rite now..next time Ok..
tu la.. what's the use of ur phone dear? call la dulu lain kali.. kui kui kui..
Ops lupa lak nak cakap.. ye la.. we should have dinner together then.. it will be easier when u r fully move to the appartment.
yer..tu le...lufe ku nak call mu dulu..hiks...
ok..next time dinner together2 lah..
i mean y don't u call TM line tu dulu b4 redah kajang yg hectic tu? hmm, yeah u should call me as well btw..
oo..bleh kol je depa dulu and ask wether the line available or not at the specific area..hem...ok gak tu kan...
just an info - "TM Point" xde no phone. can u believe it! if i tell the story, will be another post... maybe bleh call 100 kot... but still i have suck-memorable-xperience with tm.
hoo..tokey telephone takde specific phone no..thats crazy! padahal dlm tu pun ada jual mcm2 tepon cangggih..ekekke...
betoi le tu kot...coz semalam..dalam borang aku dia ada buh no reference permohonan..and utk tanya status permohonankena dail 100 kata staff di situ.Aku le pulak yg kena dail 100 nnati, bagi no rujukan and ask samada permohonan itu dah ada line ke belum..tah hapa2 kan.
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